TO mark the Coronation of King Charles III  a Big Sunday Lunch, with entertainment, was held in Crediton’s Town Square.

Hundreds of people attended and the Mayor of Crediton, Cllr Liz Brookes-Hocking, thanked all those who helped to make it a success, especially the Town Council staff who co-ordinated everything.

She explained: “I am thrilled that so many people attended and it was such a great success.

“The weather was perfect and every table was full with people enjoying food they brought along or purchased from surrounding businesses or food stalls.”

Crediton Town Band were a firm favourite at the event and ended by playing “God Save the King”.

Paul Evans also sang for one of the tunes played.

Crediton Arts Centre provided further excellent entertainment.

The Crediton Youth Team sold cream teas.

The beautiful bunting and wonderful flags produced as part of the Town Team flag project brightened up the Town Square and High Street to really put Crediton in the celebratory spirit.