TYPE 2 Diabetes is a serious condition where the insulin your pancreas makes cannot work properly or your pancreas cannot make enough insulin.

This means that your blood glucose (sugar) levels keep rising.

Symptoms include:

1. Going to the toilet more often, especially at night

2. Feeling tired because your body cannot get enough glucose in your cells

3. Losing weight without trying

4. Cuts and wounds take longer to heal

5. Blurred vision

6. Feeling extremely thirsty

Some of the risk factors of Type 2 Diabetes are:

1. Age – over 40 if you are white and over 25 if you are African, Caribbean or South Asian

2. You are overweight

3. Family history – a parent or sibling with Diabetes

4. Have a history of high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke

If you are concerned, why not attend the Diabetes Awareness event being organised by Crediton and District Lions Club on Saturday, April 15 at Crediton Methodist Church from 10am to 12 noon.

A nurse will prick your fingertip to test your blood sugar levels. If you are at risk you will be referred to attend your GP practice.

Bronwyn Nott


Crediton Lions