COPPLESTONE Methodist Church held its annual Fair Share event on Saturday, March 11. The aim was to promote Fair Trade and also support our farmers in this country by raising money for Farming Community Network. 

The event was held at the church with support from Okehampton Co-op from where much of the taster samples of a variety of chocolate came. 

A large team of volunteers provided tea and coffee throughout the morning, while some younger helpers were clearing the tables.

Nearly New and Cake stalls, together with donations for the Fair Trade tea and coffee, raised more than £330 for Farming Community Network. 

There was also a children’s activity, a Fair Trade quiz and a Fair Trade video which showed just how difficult life is for some third world farmers.

Our own farmers in this country were not forgotten as Farming Community Network does an amazing job of supporting those in difficulty with visits and other contact when times are not easy. 

Thanks went from the organisers to all who worked so hard to make the morning a success.