SIGNIFICANT Seams aims to "strengthen the seams of community".
In Mid Devon Significant Seams leads the consortium delivering Holiday Activity and Food Programming: offering enriching activities in half-day workshops that include hot food and fun socialisation for 11-16 year olds.

These events have included fun trips to Dartmoor, drama workshops in the University of Exeter studios, outdoor learning and music making at Four Mills with The Turning Tides Project, and lots of eco-Art with its award-winning artist associates.
It is also partnering with Sustainable Crediton to create a range of volunteering and internship opportunities for young people related to a climate and community-friendly future, particularly through the project #PatchworkCrediton - which is offering regular free workshops and drop-in sessions at the Sustainabubble on Crediton Town Square.
Follow on eventbrite at to be alerted as new bookable events are scheduled, and join the mailing list ( to follow Significant Seams wider plans and activities.