By Sue Read

A PROJECT launched two years ago to include people with learning difficulties and autism labels wants to expand its work in Crediton.

Members of Crediton Town Council were given a short talk at its meeting this week about The Turning Tides Project (TTTP) by Rebecca Nicholls, Director Jane Williams and Projects Manager Dominic Palfreman.

The Turning Tides Project, is a non-profit company launched two years ago. They aim to make equal access to music, the arts and life a reality for people with people with learning disability and autism labels.

Based in Crediton, The Turning Tides Project run community sessions. These include music sessions, a monthly Pub Jam and evenings out. These sessions are open and inclusive.

The original work created in sessions contributes to a monthly Radio Show and original live performances consisting of films and music that can be found on their website: .

Everyone who is part of TTTP contributes towards the development of products that aim to make our community more inclusive. The Turning Tides Project told the town council about “Small Talk”, their accessible communication approach. Small Talk gives the chance for people who cannot access written word and/or do not have conventional speech to access information and be included in local decision making.

TTTP also delivers training workshops in Crediton. These are created by people with and without learning disability and autism labels. Workshop titles include: The Social Model of Disability, Autism and Total Communication.

“This is just a start,” said Dominic. “We want to do more in Crediton. Make more people aware and have a greater understanding of a Social Model approach, to increase employment opportunities for people with disability and autism labels by working with companies as well as individuals, and work to develop skills and qualifications.

“Together we can make Crediton the first Inclusive town,” he told the town council.

This week TTTP launched their #Inclusive approach. If you would like to find out more about becoming #Inclusive, or anything else connected with The Turning Tides Project, please contact TTTP on 01363 772512, email: [email protected] or visit the website: .


Council chairman, Cllr Frank Letch, reported that he had helped with a Speed Watch on Jockey Hill and outside Queen Elizabeth’s School and been “amazed” how fast some vehicles were being driven.

One was checked at 42mph going up Jockey Hill, another at 52mph. He said there were about 12 designated areas that could be monitored by the Speed Watch group in the town.

“The more volunteers we have for this, the better,” he said. “We usually have three people checking each time to be accurate.

“If anyone would like to volunteer to help, please send me an email: [email protected] - we are keen to cut the speed, especially at QE School in Western Road, Jockey Hill and on the link road.”


It was reported that one person had been dealt with for allowing their dog to foul a footpath.

It was reported that a litter bin on Exeter Road that had disappeared some time ago, leaving only the lid on the post, had still not been replaced. There were also comments about the amount of cigarette butts on parts of the High Street where nearby litter bins had been ignored.

Cllr Dan Webb reported that Crediton Community Woodland now had a treasurer and a signed constitution.


Councillors objected to an application to build three dwellings with associated infrastructure following the removal of the existing nursery building at Crediton Area Children’s Centre at Newcombes.

Several councillors felt there was not enough information about the associated infrastructure plus a comment that the plans were “confusing”.

Cllr Liz Brookes-Hocking was dubious about the “very modern design” and disagreed with the applicants’ comments that the homes would enhance the area.

She felt that some modern buildings in other parts of the town had been “a disaster”. These homes would not fit in. There was also concern about the vehicle exit onto Jockey Hill, whether the visibility splay was wide enough.

By a seven to one vote, councillors recommended objecting to the application on the grounds that it was not appropriate, would impact on the street scene, and the visibility splay. It would also like a meeting with the Mid Devon District Council ward members and planning officer to discuss the application.

Councillors recommended approval for an application from Crediton Milling Co Limited for an extension to the intake pit over the existing workshop and an extension to new mesh/meal bins at Fordton Mill.

There was no objection to the following applications: creating a parking bay after demolition of a wall and outbuildings at Lamorna, Peoples Park Road.

To fell a magnolia tree within the Conservation Area at 2 North View, Union Road, so long as the district council arboriculturist agreed it was necessary.

A single storey rear extension to 20 Spruce Park.

Creating a new access and turning area and putting in a new window on the second floor at Garden Close, Western Road.

Listed Building consent for the replacement of two windows at 2 Mews Cottages, North Street.

Planning applications are decided by the district council. Among those approved that the town council noted was one from Landscore Primary School for a Regulation Three application for a new Early Years building on the site of the former swimming pool and extension of the school hall to provide facilities to support the school’s proposed expansion to take 420 pupils.

Also approved was an outline application for Wellparks on Exeter Road for the erection of up to 185 dwellings and 1935m2 of employment uses (Classes B1 and B2) plus landscaping, sustainable drainage and ancillary open and play space.