AT the February meeting of Sandford Parish Council, Cllr Mike Snow reported that a volunteer had come forward to edit “The Crossing” magazine.

Councillor Nick Unstead advised that he was making enquiries for the use of the New Buildings call box and was in the process of circulating a letter to residents.

Highway matters - It was agreed to report once again the matters reported from the January meeting potholes at West Sandford Road, Lodge Corner, and Long Barn.

The Clerk had been asked to investigate a promise “a couple of years ago” that the footpath at Brady Close be covered with a surface to make it “less slippery”. He had passed this matter on to Cllrs Judi Binks and Margaret Squires.

Cllr Yeo, and the Clerk, had been to visit Exeter Signs on Lords Meadow Industrial Estate in Crediton and the wording and design for the Creedy View car park sign, and the Pavilion Letting Sign, had both been discussed and the final wording agreed. It was agreed that once the costs were confirmed the signs could be ordered.

The Rev Paul Fillery had confirmed that St Swithun’s Parochial Church Council was happy to take on the organisation of Carols in the Square from 2019 onwards.

Sandford Relief in Need – Messrs Theedom and Munday (Sandford Parish Council representatives) were due for re-election for another four years in 2019 and were both willing to stand again. The Parish Council was happy to accept these two nominations.

The February 2019 Mid Devon District Council Newsletter had been received giving details of a MDDC Boundary Review taking place. Parish/Town Boundaries would not be changed as a result of this.?The Local Election pack had been received, running to some 13 pages, and the Clerk had circulated this to the Parish Council.

Parish Elections would take place on May 2, 2019. Anyone interested in becoming a Parish Councillor for Sandford is encouraged to speak to one of the current Parish Councillors or the Parish Clerk, Malcolm Vallance.

Details were received of a CPRE Seminary being held on February 8, at Tavistock, to discuss “Rural Housing”, and the Chairman Elizabeth Dalton reported that she hoped to attend.

Graphic plc from Crediton had written setting out its Objections to the proposal for Construction of an on-farm anaerobic digestion plant and associated infrastructure on Lords Meadow, Crediton. The Chairman had replied pointing out that Sandford Parish Council was not the Planning Authority.

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday, March 14, at 7.30pm, at Sandford Parish Hall.

Guest speaker will be Richard Ward who will give an update on the Proposed Joint Doctors’ Surgery planned for Wellparks in Crediton and his time spent in the NHS.

The next meeting will take place on March 7, 2019, 7.30pm, at Sandford Congregational Church Hall.