WE are writing to express our disappointment in a decision made by Crediton Town Council not to have a Land Train at the Christmas in Crediton event in late November.

This decision has been made in spite of the fact that in a recent public survey, when asked what they would most like to see at the event, the Land Train was the number one thing that people wanted.

We understand that the reason for this not happening is because in 2019 Crediton Town Council declared a Climate Emergency. 

Whilst we appreciate and support the Council looking at ways in which our town can reduce its effect on global warming we think that small concessions can be made.

We are asking for the Land Train for a small number of hours on one day in the year.

Weighing this against the pleasure we know this brings to families in the town, many of whom are struggling to give their children treats at this time of financial difficulty, we would urge the Council to rethink this decision.

We know that the cost of the Land Train is also being put forward as an issue.

There is a charge made for a ride on the train which offsets the cost.

Also consideration could be given to asking for sponsorship from businesses and organisations in the town to go towards the Land Train costs.

This request comes from some Rotarians who have been involved with successful Land Trains in the past.

Sheila Ralph

Paul Fallon

Garry Adams

Crediton Town Council response

Crediton Town Council has issued the following response to the Land Train request.

It reads: “The decision to withdraw the land train from our Christmas celebrations was not any easy or quick one to make.

“Unfortunately, the council’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, coupled by rising costs, made it no longer feasible to incorporate it into the event. Crediton Town Council has investigated the hire and purchase of an electric alternative, but the costs were too high.

“Furthermore, we didn’t wish to pass on rising costs to the public, when we know how many appreciate the fact that town council-organised events are free to attend and free to enjoy as far as possible.

“We understand how disappointed people have been, but with lots going on at the event this year, including Punch and Judy, puppet making workshops, school choir performances and the lantern procession, we hope that our local community can come together to celebrate the start of the Christmas period.

“We have an exciting lead up with lantern-making workshops, so we hope that many people can get involved before the event too! We are hugely grateful to all who are involved in the success of our Christmas in Crediton Lights Switch On.”

The Christmas in Crediton Lights Switch On event will take place on Saturday, November 25.