A ONE-off additional grant of £440,000 confirmed today,Monday, means the Visitor Centre at Princetown will stay open.

Defra have today confirmed that Dartmoor National Park Authority will receive aone-off additional grant of £440,000.

Pamela Woods, chair of Dartmoor National Park Authority, said: ‘This is very welcome news and provides us with the money we need to maintain core services for the immediate future. 

‘Our top priority for this money will be to keep the National Park Visitor Centre atPrincetown open.

‘I would like to thank our local MPs who assisted in making our case to theSecretary of State and Ministers. 

‘I would also like to express my gratitude to West Devon Borough Council who haveagreed to contribute some money to help keep the Princetown Visitor Centre open.

‘Whilst this is good news, we need to remember that this is, in effect, a ‘stickingplaster’.

‘A one-off payment does not solve the underlying problem of how to sustain coreservices in the face of 12 years of real-terms cuts.

‘We hope this announcement will prompt thinking about the resources required todeliver the Government’s ambition to make our National Parks better for peopleand nature, an ambition we share.

‘A small investment in core funding for our most loved landscapes has thepotential to deliver so much for nature, people and place.’

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