THE 1st Crediton Scout Group was established in the town in 1908 and continues to thrive, providing fun, friendship, adventure and "skills for life" to young people aged 6-14.

During a Scouting venture.
During a Scouting venture. (1st Crediton Scouts)

Many of our Scouts go on to enjoy Explorers (the section for age 14-18) run by Mid Devon District Scouts and/or train as Young Leaders within our Group.

We offer a wide range of activities, including campfires, cooking, pioneering, safety/first aid, climbing/watersports/archery, crafts, camps and helping within the community for example litter picking and serving in the Christmas Tree festival cafe.

We also regularly participate in events with other groups across Mid Devon, such as a recent soap box derby and commonwealth camp, and even internationally as Scouting is a worldwide organisation.

1st Crediton Scouts during Remembrance in Crediton Town Square.
1st Crediton Scouts during Remembrance in Crediton Town Square. (1st Crediton Scouts)

Our programmes are designed around a series of badges and awards, with the aim of developing as individuals, learning new skills and making a positive contribution to society, all guided by the Scouting values of care, respect, integrity and co-operation, but mostly our young people and leaders alike have huge amounts of fun!

We can only accommodate existing members within our Scout section (age 10-14) ie those moving up from Cubs or transferring into the area, but to join our waiting list for Beavers (age 6-8) or Cubs (age 8-10) please email: [email protected] to request a form, or if you would like to get involved as an adult volunteer please email: [email protected] for more info.

Helen Olsson

Beaver Leader/joint Group Scout Leader

1st Crediton Scout Group