THE week leading up to Easter and Easter itself is - along with Christmas - a period of intense activity in the church as we mark the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

There are a number of special services taking place at Crediton Parish Church, to which everyone is invited.

On Sunday, April 2, our Palm Sunday service and procession at 9.30am marks the beginning of Holy Week.

On Maundy Thursday at 7.30pm, we explore Christian service expressed through Christ’s washing of his disciples’ feet and the institution of the Eucharist which we celebrate at the service. 

Do join us on Good Friday when all the churches in Crediton come together for the Procession of Witness which starts at the Roman Catholic Church at 10am and ends at Crediton Congregational Church.

There is also a service of "Tenebrae" at 6pm. Tenebrae is Latin for "shadows" or "darkness" and the service is an ancient tradition to remember the sombre events that occurred in Jesus’ life from the exuberant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through to the night of Jesus’ burial on Good Friday.

The flames of several lit candles are extinguished one by one as Scripture readings are shared to tell the story of Holy Week. This gradual descent into gloom is a representation of Jesus’ increasing sorrow as the events of Passion Week unfolded. After the last verse is read, the last candle is put out, and the room is plunged into darkness.

On the evening of Holy Saturday, April 8, we meet for the Easter Vigil and first Eucharist of Easter.

This is a beautiful and dramatic act of worship at which we kindle the new fire, light the Paschal candle, renew our baptismal vows and proclaim Christ's Resurrection.

Light is a powerful natural symbol that speaks to us of happiness and life. If you've never been to this service before then please do come and experience the joy of Easter on Holy Saturday evening!

On Easter Day, April 9, we continue our celebration of Christ's Resurrection with a Sung Eucharist at 9.30am. 

After Easter, we have a number of social events planned.

These start with a Quiz and Supper in the Boniface Centre on Saturday, April 15 at 6.30pm for 7pm prompt start.

Tickets at £10 for adults and £5 for children include a supper of pasty or homity pie with coleslaw and salad garnish and there is also a bar and raffle. Book your team of four to six people with Glenda on 01363 773669.

Going for a Sing will be held on Friday, April 21 from 10.30am to 12 noon. This fun, informal singing group will be singing "Sad Songs" on this occasion followed by refreshments. For more information, telephone Anne on 01363 772865.

Saturday, April 29 sees a plant sale together with gardening items and bric-a-brac in the Boniface Centre from 10am to 12 noon. Come along and grab a bargain. Refreshments available throughout.

The excitement carries on into May with two special events to mark the Coronation of King Charles III.

There will be a special Commemorative Service in Holy Cross at 6pm on Sunday, May 7 and then on Monday, May 8, you are invited to a Coronation Tea in the Boniface Centre at 3pm. This begins with a glass of Prosecco/Elderflower Presse, singing of the National Anthem and Royal Toast. We will sit down together for an elegant tea of finger sandwiches, vol au vents, small cakes, meringues topped with a strawberry, small scones with cream and homemade jam.

There will be flowers and gentle live musical accompaniment. Tickets are £15 and must be purchased in advance from Sue Lavery on 01363 772536 or email: [email protected] . Everyone welcome!

There are further events planned throughout the coming year and details will appear in the "Courier", the parish magazine (available in the church and from A E Lee Outfitters) and our church Facebook page.

Proceeds from these events go to support the work of the church. The Boniface Centre is an accessible venue with free parking available.

Anne Jerman

Crediton Parish Church