PLAYING in the Men’s North Devon Triples League, Morchard Bishop Bowling Club lost narrowly on Friday, May 10 to visitors Ilfracombe, winning one rink and losing on the other two, 52-56.

It came down to the last end and, with light fading fast, Ilfracombe were able to hold on to win by just two shots overall.

The match ended with the customary “pasties and tea” before Ilfracombe made their long way home in the dark.

Morchard Bishop ladies suffered a heavy defeat in their North Devon Triples match at home against Holsworthy, 17-42. 

The away side started very quickly, but Morchard gradually adjusted to the heavy, early season conditions of the green and began to reduce the deficit.

Holsworthy played longer jacks to their advantage and ran out deserved winners.