Thursday 2 

7pm - All Soul's Day at St Lawrence Chapel, Crediton. A quiet service of reflection with an opportunity to light a candle for a loved one who has died.

Friday 3

7.30pm - An evening talk by Dr Todd Gray: “Devon’s Ancient Bench Ends” will be held at Lapford Victory Hall. Tickets £5 by email: archive@[email protected] . In aid of Lapford Village Archive.

Saturday 4 

8.30am -1pm - Indoor Craft Market and Coffee Morning, Chulmleigh Town Hall. 

9am to 12 noon - Bow YFC Big Breakfast, in the Victory Hall, Lapford. £10 for large breakfast and £7 for small. Cash only. Book on 07960 197460. Proceeds to Lapford Congregational Church.

10am to 12 noon - Spreyton Market plus Art Exhibition and sale, Spreyton Village Hall, Christmas festive decorations and gift ideas. 

1pm to 3pm - Crediton Town Council Community Budgeting Workshop, Crediton Library.  All welcome.

2.30pm - Devonshire Association Literature and Art Section, illustrated talk by Anna Grayson “The Photographic Art Thief”, £3  DA members, £5 non-members, tea, coffee, conversation.  All welcome. 

4pm - Peace Vigil at Shobrooke Church. All welcome. 

Sunday 5

11am - Rev Anthony Geering will be taking Holy Communion at St Petrock’s Church, Clannaborough. 

Wednesday 8

7pm (eyes down 7.30pm) - Bingo at Zeal Monachorum Village Hall. Entry £5.

Friday 10

7pm for 7.45pm - Sandford Meat Bingo at Sandford Parish Hall.

7.30pm - Crediton Arts Centre performance of “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists”. Tickets from: or call 01363 773260 or 07719 903643.

Saturday 11

11am (just before) - Short Act of Remembrance at Crediton Town and Hamlets War Memorial in Union Road.

10.50am - Remembrance Service at Sampford Courtenay in front of the War Memorial.

7pm - Friends of Allerbridge Chapel - an Evening of Music and Song with a Harvest theme at The Waie Inn, Zeal Monachorum, led by The Aryton Family. All are welcome. Donations will go to The Farming Community Network (FCN).

Sunday 12 

9.30am - Remembrance Service at St Andrew’s Church, Sampford Courtenay.

9.50am for 10am - Remembrance Sunday service at Crediton Parish Church followed by a parade to the Town and Hamlets War Memorial in Union Road for two minutes’ silence and laying of wreaths. The road will be temporarily closed to traffic from 10.15am to 12.30pm.

10.45am - Remembrance Service, Bow Parish Church includes parishes of Zeal Monachorum, Colebrooke, Down St Mary.

Tuesday 14

7.30pm - Colebrooke W I at Colebrooke Parish Hall, Winkleigh Morris Dancers.  For details call 01363 84198. 

Wednesday 15

10am - Crediton and District U3A open meeting at the Boniface Centre - talk by Prof Peter Edwards entitled “The Life and Times of Galileo”. Cost £1.50 (includes tea and coffee). 

Friday 17 November

7pm for 7.30pm - Charity Quiz at Colebrooke Parish Hall. £5 entry. Teams of up to six people. Register at: [email protected] or call 01363 84309.

Saturday 18

10am to 12 noon - Crediton Town Council Community Budgeting Workshop, Boniface Centre.  All welcome.

10am to 1pm - Patchwork Crediton drop-in wrapping paper making session at The Hub, Town Council Offices, 8 North Street Crediton, EX17 2BT. Free event - donations welcome.

3pm - Music for an Autumn Afternoon at Holy Cross Church, Crediton. £8 on the door. In aid of Crediton Church Music Endowment Fund.

Monday 20

7.30pm - Zeal Monachorum Village Hall AGM with cheese and wine and archive exhibition.

Tuesday 21 

6pm to 8pm - Crediton Town Council Community Budgeting Workshop, Old Landscore School.  All welcome.

Friday 24

7.30pm - Chulmleigh Society talk “The Land Girls” at The Pavillions.

8pm - Sandford Parish Hall, the second Peter Hamilton Memorial Ceilidh, Red Shed plus members of Hips and Haws and Royal Razz and Co. Tickets:  

Saturday 25 

10am to 2pm - St Nicholas Fair at the Boniface Centre, Crediton. In aid of Crediton Parish Church PCC.

11am to 3pm - Stockleigh Pomeroy Village Hall Christmas Craft Fayre. Various craft, cake, and produce stalls, light lunches and refreshments.

2pm to 6pm - Christmas in Crediton Lights Switch-on, Crediton Town Square.  Entertainment, stalls, lights on at 5pm.

2pm - The Turning Tides Project “Other Dance” at Crediton’s Christmas Lights Switch-on in Crediton Town Square.

Monday 27

7.15pm for 7.30pm - Bow and District Historical Society AGM, Social Evening and supper at Bow Village Hall. Speaker Mark Norman on Devon Folklore. Tickets £10 from 01363 823383 (by November 22).

You can list your event on our website: .