YOUNG people who took part in a graffiti art project have brightened up a Crediton park.

Crediton Town Council says it is pleased to showcase the incredible work completed by the young people as part of the project.

The project took place in Newcombes Meadow and the results are now visible on the toilet block.

It is now covered in eye-catching graffiti art, intended to improve the look as well as signpost passers-by to the toilet facility available at the front of the building. 

Led by artist Nick Olas, and supported by Crediton Town Council’s youth work team, the activity formed part of the detached youth work project which works in Newcombes Meadow and the wider town.

Lead Youth Worker, Cath Kelly, said: “The detached youth work team were delighted to be able to offer this high-quality activity to young people as part our half-term provision.

“As well as being an established artist, Nick is an experienced and skilful youth worker, who can boost young people’s confidence and self-esteem through creative expression.

“Creative opportunities are essential for young people’s wellbeing, especially post Covid, when so many of our young people are still experiencing anxiety.

“To have a young person you are working with tell you that today made them happy, when you know what a difficult time they have been having, makes it all worthwhile.”

Some of the comments from young people on the day: “It was such a creative day – it made me really happy.”  “It’s brilliant to have the facilities to do graffiti art legally.”

The activity also included discussion of crime, crime awareness, safe ways to report crime including Text 999 campaign awareness and discussions around personal safety and coercion. 

Cath said that the project incurred a small cost, mainly to cover the cost of the artist leading the activity, but added that the benefits to the town of young people being positively engaged and diverted from crime was priceless. 

Artist Nick Olas commented: “There’s been a great variety expressed through the art.

“It’s been a brilliant opportunity for the young people to nurture their art and creativity, from beginning to end. And great to see the young workers nurturing these creative young people.” 

Visit Newcombes Meadow and take a look at the creative displays.