ST Luke’s Church at Posbury celebrated the Coronation with a special Commemorative Service on Sunday, May 7.

A new flagpole with Union Flag flying and Coronation bunting greeted the congregation as they arrived.

The church had been decorated with red, white and blue flowers, and Ruth Vigers displayed her late mother’s collection of Coronation Mugs, cups and plates from many previous Coronations.

The service was led by Canon Michael Hall and the reading was read by Dr Paul Cleave.

The special Orders of Service had been designed using the Coronation Emblem and King’s cypher and had gold tassels added to be kept as a keepsake of the day.

After the service the congregation enjoyed a delicious tea that was provided by various members of the congregation with a theme of the UK and the Coronation.

This included Welsh cakes made by Daphne Woodward, Balmoral Shortbread (a daily staple for Queen Victoria) baked by Paul Cleave, and delicious Coronation Chicken sandwiches made by Jen Wreford.  A special Union Flag cake was baked by Mary Vigers and decorated by Fiona Mortimer.  

The congregation was also served with English Sparkling Wine or Sparking Elderflower Presse in specially engraved commemorative glasses that the congregation were invited to keep as a momento.

Fiona Mortimer, chairman of the management committee, proposed a vote of thanks to those who had helped to decorate the church and provide food for the tea or had contributed in any way to the service.

She then asked the congregation to toast the King.  The congregation were also given a special bookmark.

The service was made extra special as Sister Giovanna was able to join everyone for the service.

She was taken to Posbury by Lin Denner and Lin’s daughter, Kate, from her care home in Exeter, and was pleased to see everybody.