HAYWARD’S Primary School Summer Fete saw about half an hour of fine weather before a shower arrived over Crediton to put a dampener on the outdoor event.

While the forecast was for rain later, many were caught unawares as it arrived promptly.
There was an Olympic theme to the Fete which was held on the school field on Friday, June 21.

Organised by the Friends of Hayward’s School, it included traditional fete stalls, an inflatable course, an ice cream van, barbecue and bar, teacher stalls, summer raffle, nerf battle and much more.
Popular stalls included Prize Pong, Play your cards right, hoopla, football target games, hook a duck and the lucky dip.

Unusual stalls included Guess the name of the Parrot, Be the Head Teacher for a morning and the Win a Teddy Bear tombola.

The fire engine was a huge attraction and children enjoyed sitting inside and also dressing up as a firefighter.
Musical entertainment was by Crediton Youth Orchestra Saxophone Ensemble.

Thanks went to all those who supported the event or who gave prizes etc.