Mid Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending April 24 included:


Mr and Mrs Cook, Hazeldene, Station Road. Conversion of integral garage to living space, installation of two dormers and first floor terrace on north and west elevation.


Mr Andrew Banbury, The Cottage, Denbury Farm. Retention of agricultural storage barn/workshop not built in accordance with 21/01521/FULL at land at NGR 281882 99472 Denbury Farm.


Development affecting public right of way

Mr P Cartwright and Ms K Macleod, Yeo Vale, Four Mills Lane. Erection of porch extension following removal of existing structures (Revised scheme).


Mrs Sarah Emmett, Westway Farm, Pennymoor. Extension of an existing general purpose agricultural building at land and buildings at NGR 287806 110182 (Westway Farm).

Mrs Sarah Emmett, Westway Farm, Pennymoor. Erection of an agricultural livestock and storage building at land at NGR 287572 11036 (Westway Farm).


Mr Tobias Skinner, Trenchard Farm. Erection of an agricultural manager’s dwelling with access track at land at nor 268661 109610 Trenchard Farm.


Mr G Hodson, Burrough Cleave, New Buildings. Erection of a two-storey side and rear extension.

Mr S Sheldon, Paws2Freedom, c/o Mr R Bailey, Avalon Planning and Heritage, The Generator, Kings Wharf, Exeter. Construction of a dog sanctuary at land at NGR 283692 106367 Downhayne, East Village.


Teignbridge District Council planning applications received for week ending April 19 included:



Outline application for dwelling and garage (all matters reserved) at land off Chapel Hill, Longdown.