Mid Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending October 4 included:


Mr and Mrs R and M Day, Oak Barn. Erection of double garage with games room above.


Mr and Mrs Pete and Kate Boddington, Venbridge House. Creation of front door with porch, replace windows, replace roof on conservatory/garden room and installation of roof lights (Revised Scheme).

Mr and Mrs Pete and Kate Boddington, Venbridge House. Listed Building Consent for upgrading and alteration works including replacement windows, new render, internal alterations, relocation of kitchen, replacement and new bathrooms, creation of front door and porch, formation of garden room, refit of annex, installation of roof lights and flue (Revised Scheme).


Mr I MacAulay, Homecroft. Conversion of existing detached garage to granny flat.

Mr Mark Colville, Cheriton Fitzpaine Football Club, 58 Yannon Drive, Teignmouth. Replacement and enlargement of balcony at Cheriton Fitzpaine AFC Sports and Social Club.


Development affecting public right of way

Mr Coldwell, Paschoe House, Bow. Conversion of existing hotel maintenance building to dwelling at land and buildings at NGR 275001 101357 Paschoe Dairy Farm, Bow.


Mrs Spengler, 48 Dean Street. Outline for the erection of two dwellings and associated access and layout with some matters reserved at The Pound House, 48 Dean Street.

Rob Stoyle, Cedar House, Threshers. Application to fell one Monterey Pine protected by Tree Preservation Order 08/00010/TPO.


Mr Matt Matthews, Link Academy Trust, Landscove Primary School, Ashburton. Retention of air source heat pumps and associated fence and gate enclosure at Morchard Bishop Primary School, Church Street, Morchard Bishop. Also Listed Building Consent for above plus replacement of existing boiler system with air source heat pumps.


Mr Huxter, Welland Down Farm. Conversion of three redundant barns to dwellings at land and buildings at Welland Down Farm.


I Clifton, Brook Lodge, 2 Silver Street. Listed Building Consent for alterations to first floor layout.


Development affecting public right of way

Mr Nigel Marshall, Glebe Farm. Conversion of redundant cob barn to dwelling, extension into existing barn, installation of an air source heat pump, solar panels and change of use of yard to residential garden at Barn, Glebe Farm.

Teignbridge District Council planning applications received for week ending September 29 included:


Demolition of agricultural building and construction of a dwelling at Kingsford Farm, Barton Corner, Longdown.


Below ground extension to rear of house at Lower Brook.