NORTH Tawton Town Council has set its precept for the year ahead.

The precept – the total electors will be asked to pay towards for the 12 months from the start of April – has been set at just shy of £160,000. This is an increase of one per cent on last year’s precept.

It was voted on by councillors at extraordinary meeting of the town council was held on Wednesday, January 22.

On a proposal by Cllr Jennifer Palfrey, seconded by Cllr Carol Burrow, the council resolved to approve the precept of £159,617 for April 2025-March 2026. Cllrs Burrow and Kennedy and Cllr Steve Whiteley voted in favour while Cllr Sue Watson against.

This precept sees an increase of one per cent on the 2024/2025 precept. New town council clerk Caroline Ellis said this was achieved despite inflation in the budget of 2.8 per cent through lengthy scrutiny of the books.

Last year the council finally gained planning permission to extend the cemetery and once legal paperwork is sorted the council will start work on the layout, to include a proposed green burial site. The council is intending to move £49,600 from its general reserve to a new cemetery reserve.

As previously reported, the council has also set aside £1,500 to cover an inquiry initiated by a member of the public into its 23/24 AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) report – the legal required annual audit of the finances of the council.

The money earmarked in reserve for a possible town council election has been spent so the allocated £4,000 has been replenished.

“North Tawton Town Council strives to deliver value for money and considering present economic climate having a precept rise of one per cent is quite an achievement,’ said a council spokesperson.