IT was good to see your report of the debate at QE on the plan for a McDonald's outlet and that the audience overwhelmingly voted against the motion that the development would be good for Crediton.

This is in line with the big majority of comments made by the public to the Mid Devon District Council's planning site, but is in some contrast to your reports of some town councillors being more preoccupied with getting money out of McDonald's than considering the overall welfare of the town.

Cllr Fawssett seems very much an exception to this and it is hard not to be sympathetic to his views on the health implications of junk food. However, this would not seem to be a valid planning issue and I guess people have to look after their own welfare on this.

What is a planning issue however is transport.

I quote from Plan Mid-Devon 2023-2043, section 8.17. "emissions (from cars) are significantly higher in Mid Devon than compared to surrounding areas… It is therefore important to consider measures to minimise private car use as much as possible".

Should Mid Devon District Council agree to this proposal which is aimed at promoting car use on an out-of-town site then it will reduce its own policy guidelines to just so much hot air.

I’m sure many of your readers will have noticed the irony of this proposal set against the chorus of your correspondents decrying the effect of Devon County Council’s proposal to introduce parking meters on the health of the High Street.

Maybe McDonald's could help here by opening its outlet in the High Street, handy for pedestrians and cyclists and safeguarding the future of the town centre rather than encouraging car use and blighting the approach to the town. Some chance!

Colin Clark

East Village