PARTICIPANTS attending a Gold Workshop at the Boniface Centre on Friday, April 28 were treated to a surprise visit from “King Arthur” (David Palfreman from the Age of Chivalry in Plymouth).

Judith Richardson-Dawes, who held the workshop, also gave a talk entitled “Arthur the Once and Future King”.

At the end of the talk “Arthur” turned up in full armour with his magical sword Excalibur and answered questions from the audience about “Camelot”, “The Sword in the Stone” and “The Lady of the Lake”.

Those attending the workshop had the opportunity to lay 23 carat gold leaf onto a parchment image of King Arthur.

This was Judith’s final Gold Workshop having taught the rare skill of Gold Illumination in Crediton for seven years. She was previously at Castle Drago for 11 years working for The National Trust. Her Gold Workshops have proven very popular and have been on various themes including Medieval Angels, Rare Creatures and Mythical Beasts, Medieval Castles and The Green Man.

Judith told the “Courier” that her work has been recognised by “Woman’s Hour” and the “Radio Times”, and a piece of her work has been exhibited in The Tate Britain.