INTERNATIONAL Tutu Day started in Crediton two years ago as a fun way to celebrate the date 2/2/22,  or tu tu twenty tu, which won't appear again within the lifetime of anyone alive today!

People of all ages gathered in Crediton Square to show off their tutus, enjoy photos and an hour of fun and music.

Several businesses around the square had their staff in tutus and it made everyone smile.

Hazel Underwood, who founded it in Crediton, said: “Lots of people asked if we could do it every year so it is now growing and spreading out from Crediton around the world!

“Last year we received photos of a surfer in Australia and people at work in America in tutus.

“Some people got sponsored to wear them for the day and we raised £700 for Amnesty International.

“People wore tutus at work, in cafes, running clubs, exercise classes, playgroups and youth clubs.

“Our most intrepid February tutu wearers were a man who was sponsored to hike on Dartmoor in a tutu and a group of swimmers in North Wales, who sent a video of themselves in the sea in their tutus.

“With so much difficult news in the world at the moment it feels good to do something to bring some joy and lightness into people's lives, particularly at this time of year when everything is cold and grey.

“Making people smile is always a good thing and bringing people of all ages together for a bit of fun feels like a worthwhile thing to do. Silliness shouldn't be just for children!

“We've had people from the age of three to 75 joining our tutu making workshops this year and getting ready for International Tutu Day.

“If you missed the workshops visit: for ideas, pictures of previous events and instructions on how to make an easy tutu with no sewing involved.

“Come and join us in Crediton Square from 4pm to 5pm on 2/2/24.

“An indoor venue nearby will be arranged if it's wet. Bring your friends and family and add some joy and colour to the world!”