A CREDITON Police Officer who set himself the challenge to run at least a mile every day for 365 days, effectively every day of 2022, successfully completed his marathon challenge.

Ryan Doyle (40), decided to undertake the challenge in aid of the charity, The Children’s Society, a cause he has supported since he was a child.

It was after he completed the London Marathon last year that the amateur runner thought of the novel fundraising idea.

Even though he had Covid in February, Ryan was still able to run while isolated by running around his garden 24 times to complete the mile.

Ryan added: “I have also had to run around a car park.

“We went on holiday at Easter, and I still hadn’t done my run by the end of the day, so I had to go round the car park in the dark. I got some very funny looks.”

A Christian, Ryan explained that he remembered going to Christingle services as a child, which were always in aid of The Children’s Society.

As an adult, he said he chose the charity because he is passionate about a number of the areas of the charity’s work.

He explained: “I find it obscene that in 2022 in the UK we have more than four million children living in poverty and the situation is getting worse.

“It’s not right that children are starving, and parents cannot afford to feed them despite working hard. I think the work the charity does to try to make changes at a national level is really important.”

As Head of Custody and Reducing Reoffending with Devon and Cornwall Police, Ryan is an advocate for people being treated with compassion in custody and more importantly being given the chance to turn their lives around.

He explained: “My role involves trying to help people to get out of the criminal justice system, to try and stop them from coming back.

“Our services help tackle the issues that may have led them to offend, such as drug and alcohol misuse. Research shows this approach is so much more effective at cutting re-offending rates.”

He adds: “I know The Children’s Society helps young people who have been criminally exploited, and tries to change the way we view them, not as criminals but as victims that need support, these are values that I really believe in and spur me on to keep going.”

Talking about his challenge, Ryan said: “I have raised more than £1,225, running 950 miles and not missing a day!

“I ran around the garden when I had covid, ran with injuries and in all weathers - my legs are very tired now!

“I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who sponsored and supported me, thank you.

“The Children’s Society is an amazing charity that works tirelessly to support children and young people with hugely important issues such as mental health, poverty and protection from exploitation. The money raised is going to help keep children safe.”

If you would like to add to Ryan’s total raised for the charity, visit the Crowdfunder page: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/RyanRuns365 .