A MONOLITH which mysteriously appeared in a field at Fordton, Crediton on Thursday, January 7, mysteriously disappeared last weekend, Saturday or Sunday, February 20 or 21.

It was during the morning of Thursday, January 7, that dog walker Arthur Arscott found the tapering metal pillar in the middle of a field.

Unattributed metal sculptures have been springing up across the globe after a shiny obelisk appeared in Utah in November.

Conspiracy theorists were fascinated and the Utah monolith was soon removed.

Next, one was found in Romania and the first UK monolith materialised near Salisbury in Wiltshire.

Arthur said in January: "We found it when we were out for a walk with the dogs at 7.45am this morning.

"It was just getting light and the dogs saw it and started barking.

"It was covered in frost as it was about minus four degrees at the time.

"It is made of galvanised metal and there was not a foot mark or any earth around it.

“It is quite a wet field and I was only there at 4.30pm last night and it wasn’t there then."

Many people travelled to see the object in the field during the past six weeks.

It is believed that the landowner may have arranged for the removal of the object.

A muddy patch is the only indication of where the monolith once stood.