WE have had a great year in 2024 with the D-Day 80th Anniversary commemorations, summer Food Festival and St Boniface Day celebrations. Hundreds of local and not so local people (representatives from our Boniface link towns, Dokkum and Fulda) attended these events making them very special occasions in the town, that will be remembered for a long time.
Crediton has real heart in its community, with numerous people volunteering in organisations that provide help and support to local people.
As part of World Sight Day, Crediton Lions Club blindfolded me and guided me to a local café to buy a coffee, highlighting how visual impairment impacts daily life.
The Town Council provide grants to many town organisations, helping them to continue their community work.
A big thank you to all of you for being part of our community and to the organisers and volunteers in the town that make it a vibrant place, in which to live, work and enjoy so many events and activities.
Our 2024 events ended with a wonderful celebration at the switch-on of the Christmas lights in the town square, which was well attended.
Everyone seemed to be enjoying the event as much as ever.

Children loved the fake snow (as did some adults), and a happy atmosphere filled the town square.
2025 may well see the start of some changes in our county’s local government two-tier structure of district and county councils.
The government have recently published their white paper on devolution, trying to improve on local democracy by setting up new unitary authorities across the country.
These changes don’t usually happen that quickly but the town council will need to be prepared potentially to take on more non-statutory responsibilities and services that are currently being undertaken by our district and county councils.
2025 will also see new businesses opening in the town, a new supermarket and fast-food outlet, providing new employment opportunities for local people, of all ages.
The town council will continue to work with the district and county councils, encouraging local enterprise and ensuring we have the right balance of places to live and work locally.
As we all look forward to what the New Year will bring to our ever-growing community, may I wish you all a happy and fulfilling year ahead.
Cllr Guy Cochran
The Mayor of Crediton