CREDITON Garden Club programme for 2024 includes many interesting talks.

These are held at Crediton Library at 7pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

The dates are:

January 23 - Saul Walker - Woodland Gardening: The art of growing in shade.

February 27 - Caradoc Doy - The Story of Veitch Orchids.

March 26 - Caroline Stone - Primroses, Fancy and Feathered.

April 23 - Julian Sutton - Hellebores and Friends - It is hoped to have plants for sale.

September 24 - Richard Horswood - Flowers of the Swiss Alps.

October 22 - David Usher – Gertrude Jekyll – Garden designer.

November 26 - Ben Candlin - Plants of the Canary Islands. Ben runs a nursery specialising in Aroids. - It is hoped to have plants for sale.