MID Devon District Council recently hosted a Business Support Surgery aimed at providing local businesses with valuable support and guidance - and it proved so popular the second event has been booked already.
The event, organised by the Council’s Revenues and Economic Development teams and supported by the Tiverton Town Centre Partnership, was held on April 19, at the New Hall, Tiverton and drew interest from businesses from across Mid Devon.
The Business Support Surgery served as a platform to provide face-to-face advice.
The businesses that attended had the opportunity to talk to members of staff who represented various Council teams, including business rates and economic development who provided guidance during the evening.
Zoë Lentell, Economic Development Team Leader said: "We are thrilled with the overwhelmingly positive response to our first Business Support Surgery in Mid Devon and look forward to our second event to be held in Crediton. “This event is a good example of collaborative working and benefited our business customers.
“Businesses appreciated the opportunity for face-to-face conversation with us and we were pleased to be able to support them with their queries."
Due to the success of the first event a second Business Support Surgery is being held on June 21 at The Bookery in Crediton.
Businesses can drop-in to the event any time between 4pm and 7pm.
Those who attend will benefit from the opportunity to discuss their business rates bills, find out about funding and support opportunities through the Shared Prosperity Fund and other opportunities that the Council can help with such as recruitment support.
For further information, please contact: Zoë Lentell at: [email protected] .