CHERITON Fitzpaine Twinning Association held a Continental Breakfast in the Parish Hall, accompanied by accordion music by John Wilson.

Zephyr Cawthorne (14) and sister Flora, aged 10, helping with the food at the Twinning event.
Zephyr Cawthorne (14) and sister Flora, aged 10, helping with the food at the Twinning event. (David Nunn)

Cheriton is twinned with Bonnebosq, in Normandy, France and visitors were able to look at photos on a computer loop.

Sue Newberry, taking the money for the Continental Breakfast.
Sue Newberry, taking the money for the Continental Breakfast. (David Nunn)

The Twinning Association raised more than £100.

Anyone who would like to join the group may contact Brenda Fowler on 01363 866247 for further information.

Mary Nunn