A NEW year was marked by CODS, Crediton’s Operatic and Dramatic Society, when it held its AGM at the Old Town Hall in Crediton on Wednesday, June 12.
CODS members were very pleased to present two cheques for £675 to their chosen Charities of the Year for 2023/25.

Debbie Allen accepted the cheque on behalf of RD and E Charities, explaining that this would go towards a new children’s area in the A and E department.
This will allow children to be completely separate from adults whilst they are awaiting treatment.
Dennis Mardon received the donation to Crediton Heart Project and thanked CODS for the donation.
Crediton Heart Project hoped CODS would see a performing space in the near future when the Project builds a new community theatre in the town.
Mike Canning gave his annual report, thanking the four committee members who have stood down along with the members who re-organised the CODS store.
During the past two years CODS has welcomed more than 30 new adult members and many juniors.
CODS begins its 60th year with choral concerts and “Walking the West End” in September.
Go along to Crediton Parish Church on June 29 for a taster at 11.30am when members perform at Arts Alive.
There will be a reprise of the “Men Who Marched Away” in October and “Beauty and the Beast” is the show in April.
Members will be celebrating CODS Diamond anniversary with a Winter Ball in November.
Mike was re-elected as Chairman along with Holly Harris as Vice Chair, Craig Phoenix as Treasurer and Helen Clarke as Minutes Secretary.
CODS is still in need of a Secretary.
The committee members are Alan Baker, Carol Stoyle, Lindsey Betts, Paul Walker, Gillian Mackenzie and new to the committee, Nicky Gould.
If you would like to join CODS, either singing or behind the scenes - building the set or organising costumes, please get in touch via the website: codsonline.com .