DOZENS of children made their own Christingles in the Lady Chapel ahead of the annual Christingle Service at Holy Cross Church in Crediton on Sunday, December 15.

They were given a lesson in how to make them beforehand.
The service was led by Antonia Tregenza and the carol singing led by Crediton Town Band.
The Christingle tradition was started many years ago by The Children’s Society.

The orange represents the world, the red band the blood of Christ, the four sticks of treats are the four seasons and the candle represents Jesus, the Light of the World.
Antonia Tregenza explained: “The Christingle represents hope - the bright fun orange colour, and the candle shining in the dark.

“Donations were accepted in aid of the Children's Society who support children who are having a difficult time, maybe as carers, suffering from mental health or from poverty.”
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