MORCHARD Bishop Annual Flower and Produce Show will be held In the marquee on the Playing Fields on Saturday, August 12, from 2.30pm with the prize giving at 4pm.

There will be a plant and produce stall, teas and homemade cakes as well as a raffle. 

Entry for adults is 50 pence with children free

There will be classes for everyone including best chocolate sponge, six pods of broad beans and three medium tomatoes.

The novice gardener classes will include the best three flower stems and four potatoes. 

There will also be classes for the funniest shape vegetable, the sweetest berry and the best jar of marmalade. 

Children’s classes will include best “Lego” dinosaur, a miniature garden in a seed tray and the best bug hotel. 

Craft classes will include a piece of needlework such as a quilt or tapestry. The Village Competition will be for the best homemade hanging basket.

Classes are just 30p each to enter.

Entry forms can be found in the Morchard Messenger village newsletter.