DEVON and Cornwall Police are currently investigating two incidents of aggravated burglary which happened in the St Thomas area of Exeter.

The first incident took place at the Dawn ‘til Dark Premier Store, on Princes Street East, at around 9pm on Monday, April 10.

A man, dressed in a grey hoody and black trousers, with a concealed face, entered the store and demanded money from the till.

The second incident happened at the store on Saturday, June 3 at around 9.45pm, again, a man dressed in a grey hoody entered the shop and demanded money.

On both occasions, he was in possession of a small knife and left with cash from the till.

The grey hoody had a small black logo on the top left.

Police said he was believed to be around 5ft, 11ins tall and of a slim build. His face was also concealed during the second incident.

Officers have carried out house-to-house enquiries and have trawled CCTV and it is believed that the suspect was seen walking down Queens Road towards Pinces Gardens around the time of both incidents.

Detectives think this male could be local to the area and are asking anyone who may live with somebody who matches the description of the suspect to get in touch, no matter how small they deem their information to be.

If you have information that could help police with their enquiries, please contact police via the website here or by calling 101 quoting 50230158969.