AT the annual meeting of Sandford Parish Council, councillor Elizabeth Dalton was re-elected as chairman and Jake Weedon from East Village as vice chairman.Councillors Shuana Miles, Georgina Ford and Phil Harvey were elected to the Finance Committee.

Councillor Margaret Squires was congratulated on winning back her seat on Devon County Council.

She also suggested that the council apply for Town and Parish (TAP) funding towards the refurbishment of the play area at the playing field.The clerk reported the ongoing problems of parking in and around the Square.

Only recently the 369 bus had been unable to get into the Square due to vehicles parked outside Star House.

The driver had needed to reverse the bus and exit the village.

There were also the same issues with cars parking at the top of Rose and Crown Hill causing problems when the bus (and any Emergency Vehicle) needed to enter the Square.


The damaged footpath outside “Homeside” in the Square had been repaired once again with material out of place in the Sandford Conservation Area.

The Mid Devon District Council Conservation Area Officer had advised the clerk that these areas received no special treatment when road/footpath repairs were carried out.

Steve Tucker (Devon Highways) had been in Sandford recently and had confirmed that the request for a Dedicated parking space outside Sandford Community Stores was receiving consideration. He felt at the same time the Parish Council needed to consider yellow lines to assist the ongoing problems.The clerk also reported an offer by a parishioner to gift them a metal bollard that had once been outside the Lamb Inn.

It was resolved to call a meeting with Devon Highways, the community policeman and other emergency services.


Suggestions for the use of the Mill Lane call box were discussed again and the suggestions for its future use.

It was felt the best suggestion was to convert this to an Information Point for Parish Walks.

It was agreed to review the current Sandford Walks, published by Mid Devon District Council some years ago, and see if it could be updated with coloured pictures.

The clerk reported an email received giving an update from Veitch Penny on the transfer of the Creedy View Car park to Sandford Parish Council.

On top of the £1,900 fees that the parish council have already paid as costs to the owners for the transfer, a further £4,000 was now being requested.

It was agreed to respond advising that the the parish council did not have the finance to pay a further £4,000 to Foot Anstey.

It was reported that the defibrillator training event had been a great success.

SPRING CLEANIt was hoped to carry out the 2017 Village Spring Clean in advance of the opening of the Sports Pavilion.

It was noted that the local parish council at Whitestone had been advised that their volunteers would not be covered for insurance purposes for any areas outside the 30mph speed limit.

The Pavilion opening has now been confirmed for the afternoon of Saturday, July 8, as part of the Sandford Festival being organised by Sandford Scouts.

Sandford AFC had agreed that the festival organisers could have use of the field for parking.

Andrew Webb was still in touch with Exeter City FC regarding one of their players carrying out the Opening ceremony.It was agreed to have a celebration cake.


It was also agreed to contact Barny Butterfield of Sandford Orchards to purchase Sandford Cider for the toast following the great success of toasting the 90th Birthday of the Queen using Sandford Cider.

The clerk would compile a list of people to invite to the opening and parish councillors were asked to submit names of anyone for inclusion.

Chairman Elizabeth Dalton and Cllr Nick Unstead had both attended the DCC inspector visit on the matter of Footpath 50.

The inspector had taken details from those involved and would report his findings and decision in due course. It seemed the option may be to make this footpath a Restricted Byway.Councillor Phil Harvey reported the problem of stinging nettles in the border of the Creedy View Play and it was agreed to ask Steve McCullock to attend to this matter.

The need for erecting dog fouling signs at the play area was also stressed. The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday, June 1, at 7.30pm, at Sandford Congregational Church Hall.