MID Devon Mobility currently has a variety of volunteer roles available.

The community transport scheme aims to increase the independence and mobility of older people and people with disabilities.

It operates in Crediton, Tiverton and all of the parishes in Mid Devon.

If you have some time to help, there are a variety of roles that need to be filled.

A friendly manner, a sympathetic approach to the elderly and people with disabilities, are just some of the requirements.

Mid Devon Mobility has a growing band of volunteers who are all keen to make a real difference to people who are experiencing difficulties getting out and about.

If you are interested in volunteering, please email: [email protected] .

Alternatively, telephone the office on 01884 242099 during opening hours, 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.

Remember as a community transport charity your help will be greatly appreciated by those with mobility needs in the Mid Devon area.