Mid Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending May 8 included:
Mr Ray Toms, Demmitts Farm, Posbury. Construction of access track at land at NGR 280894 96962 (Demmitts Farm).
Mr and Mrs A Cocks, Sunny Bank, Yeoford. Erection of single storey side extension and detached garage/workshop and repositioning of access off highway.
Mrs Katie Kingsland, Partridge Hole, Woolfardisworthy. Details pursuant to the Discharge of Condition 2, 3, 7 and 8 of Listed Building Consent 23/00613/LBC relating to detailed drawings.
Mr S Evans, Peamore Truck Centre, Alphington, Exeter. Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 22/02140/FULL to allow substitution of plans at land at NGR 278861 103163 (Langlands Farm), New Buildings.
Mr and Mrs Lee, Uppincott Farm. Erection of agricultural worker’s dwelling at land at NGR 288230 102450 (Uppincott Farm).
Mr S White, Summer Farm, Witheridge. Siting of temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling at land at NGR 279823 113344 Summer Farm.
• To see more public notices and planning applications, visit: publicportalnotice.uk .