A TALENTED local photographer is staging an exhibition called “Local Lights” in the front room (Room 2) of the council offices in North Street (just off the Town Square) on Saturday, December 16, from 10am to 1pm.

Paul McLoughlin will be exhibiting photographs of natural scenes predominately from our local area and the South West and he will be selling his mounted images and cards. 

He will be donating his profits from the exhibition to the Sustainable Crediton’s Food Larder group’s funds. 

As a volunteer, Paul collects unsold food from Tesco for the larder in the library and being aware of how valuable the larder is in these days of the cost of living crisis, he has chosen the strap line “filling bellies, not bins”.

The group is aiming to raise £1,000 before June of next year in order to continue getting the weekly deliveries of surplus food from FoodShare South West, which have proven popular to many people visiting the library on Fridays.

You are invited to pop in, perhaps when you visit the Farmers’ Market that morning and to support a worthy cause.