FOLLOWING the district wide elections earlier this month, Mid Devon District Council held its annual meeting on May 24 to appoint the roles of Leader and Chairman. 

The Council has now appointed Cllr Luke Taylor, who has a been a member of the council since 2015, as its leader.

Cllr Taylor is leader of the Liberal Democrat group which secured a majority of council seats at the recent elections. 

The Council has 42 seats and the new administration is made up of Liberal Democrats with 33 seats, the Conservative Party with five seats, the Green Party three seats, and the Independents have one seat.

Mid Devon Council Chairman, Cllr Frank Letch and Vice-Chairman, Cllr Gwen Duchesne.
Mid Devon Council Chairman, Cllr Frank Letch and Vice-Chairman, Cllr Gwen Duchesne. (MDDC)

Speaking at the meeting, Cllr Taylor said:  “I would like to thank the Council for electing me Leader of Mid Devon District Council, this is not a role I take lightly nor for granted.

"I am proud to be the Leader of a Council, moving forward with the times and showing that this Council is progressive and outward looking.

"I am likely the youngest Leader that this Council has elected, I have a young family and I work, but that does not take away from the dedication and commitment that I promise to undertake in this role.

"The public of Mid Devon made it clear on May 4 that they wanted change and in doing so elected a strong Liberal Democrat Council who are ready to do the best for Mid Devon and deliver on the manifesto we set out prior to the elections.

"Thank you for the trust you have given me and now is the time to start working and delivering for the residents who elected us.” 

Also appointed at the annual meeting were the roles of Chairman, Cllr Frank Letch and Vice-Chairman, Cllr Gwen Duchesne, and Chair of Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Rachel Gilmour.

The Chairman and Vice Chairman perform legal duties such as chairing the meetings of full council, but they also represent the Council and the whole of the district at civic functions and have the opportunity to act as a link between local organisations and the Council.