LOCAL charity, Citizens Advice Torridge, North, Mid and West Devon (CA TNMWD), is celebrating after being awarded National Lottery funding to support its work helping people in Mid Devon with money and energy problems.

It will use the grant to train dedicated advisors who will run new outreach sessions for residents of Mid Devon.

CA TNMWD is an independent charity in the National Citizens Advice network.

(Citizens Advice)

Last year it helped more than 15,000 people find a way forward and generated almost £10m of financial gains for their clients.

The new funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, which distributes money raised by National Lottery players for good causes and is the largest community funder in the UK, will allow a team of dedicated staff and volunteers to provide advice sessions for people living in Mid Devon who need help maximising their income, dealing with debt or experiencing problems with their energy supply.

The project will be launching an outreach session on Wednesdays in Crediton, beginning on Wednesday, March 6.

Anyone needing help is invited to go along to the Lady Mills Centre on Deep Lane between 9.30am and 3.30pm for face-to-face advice, with pre-bookable appointments available online: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/s/7CjfIKEZM0mx5gyuQFNnfQ2 .

Vicki Rowe, chief executive of CA TNMWD, says: “We’re delighted that the National Lottery Community Fund has recognised our work in this way.

“Now, thanks to National Lottery players we will be able to help more people in the Mid Devon area experiencing money and energy worries.”

The National Lottery Community Fund recently launched its new strategy, “It starts with community”, which will underpin its efforts to distribute at least £4 billion of National Lottery funding by 2030.

As part of this, the funder has four key missions, which are to support communities to come together, be environmentally sustainable, help children and young people thrive and enable people to live healthier lives.

National Lottery players raise more than £30 million a week for good causes across the UK.

Thanks to them, last year The National Lottery Community Fund was able to distribute over half a billion pounds (£615.4 million) of life-changing funding to communities.

To find out more visit: www.TNLCommunityFund.org.uk .