THERE was the sound of some fine bellringing across Crediton during the late afternoon of Saturday, January 13.

St Paul's Cathedral Ringers excellent ringing on the 12 bells at Crediton Parish Church. Video by Alan Quick

A team of bellringers from St Paul’s Cathedral in London rang the 12 bells at Crediton Parish Church for about 45 minutes.

They were visiting the South West and came to Crediton after ringing at Exeter Cathedral.

Some fine ringing of the bells at Crediton Parish Church by a team from St Paul's Cathedral, London. Video by Alan Quick

Prior to the day, Crediton ringer Robin Lavery, said: “In common with the band at Westminster Abbey, the team members are all members of the Ancient Society of College Youths.  This is a self-governing organisation and membership is by invitation only.

“Needless to say only the very best ringers receive an invitation.

“Although London-based they encourage membership from all over the world and we do indeed have four members here at Crediton, albeit no longer active with the ASCY. 

There was some fine ringing by a team from St Paul’s Cathedral, London at Crediton Parish Church. Video by Alan Quick

“Several members of the Exeter Cathedral band are also members.”