A FASCINATING display of crafts was on show with at least 20 different crafters in the Boniface Centre at Crediton on Saturday, September 2, raising funds for the parish church. 

Among the many crafts were needle felted items in beautiful jewel colours, pyrography, Andy Wills’ framed and mounted photographs or greetings cards, Gail Wills’ hand-made pictures using glass pieces harvested from Cornish beaches, wooden planters made by Andy. 

Beautiful and colourful handmade felt toys, pyrography by Mel Collier of Crediton who began the craft as a hobby more than 20 years ago, luxurious soaps, bags with hand printed designs, embroidered panels, lampshades made to order, and lots more.  Fascinating browsing and chatting to the makers. 

Lunches, cakes and biscuits were available plus tea and coffee or soft drinks. The Boniface Centre was kept buzzing all morning.  Some of the stalls were for charities, the event raising £450 for the PCC for church running costs.