EXETER Quakers will hold a silent vigil for peace from 5pm on Friday, February 24 in Bedford Square, Exeter, on the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, in support of all those working for peace, on both sides.

The Quakers hope for a just peace – for peaceful routes out of the conflict that minimise violence and suffering while securing justice for the people of Ukraine.

They call on our government to concentrate its efforts on finding such routes and to focus on preventing future wars rather than preparing to fight them.

As Quakers their belief in the preciousness of all human life leads us to oppose all war. Quakers have always held peacebuilding as a core principle for life.

They welcome all members of the community to join them.

Laura Conyngham, Clerk of Exeter Quaker Meeting commented: “I travelled across the USSR in 1976. In each city that I stayed in, including Kyiv, the local guide would point out their war memorial and shocking death toll. 

“As Quakers we pray for all victims of war and long for peace in Ukraine.”

For further information please contact Ian Martin by email on: [email protected] or telephone 07980 301058.