AS they streamed through the gates into Sandford Millennium Green, we prayed that the rain would hold off.

Forty-six employees from Ernest Jackson in Crediton had come to help out with a Spring Makeover of the Green as part of their Community Service programme.

Ernest Jackson volunteers helping with the Spring Makeover at Sandford Millennium Green.
Ernest Jackson volunteers helping with the Spring Makeover at Sandford Millennium Green. (Charlie Werner)

They were organised into eight groups, allocated tools and sent off in varying directions - some back to the far end of the Path in Crediton. Their tasks included clearing around the storage container and preparing it for painting, stripping out the wooden seats in the Cob Shelter ready for replacement, and filling in holes in the path after the ravages of the winter rains.

Ernest Jackson volunteers helping with the Spring Makeover at Sandford Millennium Green.
Ernest Jackson volunteers helping with the Spring Makeover at Sandford Millennium Green. (Charlie Werner)

The lay-by was also transformed. They worked hard and hopefully had some fun.  

The timing of the work is particularly pleasing because on Saturday, June 22, we are holding an Inspirational Family Day on the Green.

Ernest Jackson volunteers helping with the Spring Makeover at Sandford Millennium Green.
Ernest Jackson volunteers helping with the Spring Makeover at Sandford Millennium Green. (Charlier Werner)

A reprise of a similar event two years ago, there will be many opportunities to enjoy aspects of the Green and local Wellbeing services. Drinks, snacks and light lunches will be available and there will be music and storytelling. 

An Ernest Jackson volunteer helping with the Spring Makeover at Sandford Millennium Green.
An Ernest Jackson volunteer helping with the Spring Makeover at Sandford Millennium Green. (Charlie Werner)

The Millennium Green Committee and all the many users of the Green are very grateful to everyone from Ernest Jackson for their efforts. Thank you wholeheartedly for choosing us for your project. With a bit of luck, we may see you out in Sandford again.

Di Martin