IN the short window between the recent freeze and the next storm, a small work party of about half-a-dozen of Crediton Parish Church Green Team spent Saturday morning (January 20), clearing the strimmed grass from the churchyard.
One of those who took part, Sarah Pressland, explained: “This will make way for the spring flowers to come later on.”

Dave Harris, from the Church Green Team explained: “The Green Team are working together on the rewilding project at the Holy Cross Church and were busy last weekend in the large area at the back of the church.
“Along with some areas at the front of the church, this area was left to grow unmown last year to encourage a wider range of flora and fauna making a more interesting and diverse place to visit and experience.

“Now that the area has had its annual strim the Green Team spent Saturday morning raking and removing all the material that had been cut.
“The reason for this is to ensure that the soil is not overly fertilised by the nutrients from the rotting plant matter enabling more wildflowers to come and establish themselves and not be outcompeted by grass.”