MORCHARD Bishop Church of England Primary School was delighted to receive its recent Ofsted report.

The visit by inspectors took place in July 2023 and recognised that the school remains a "Good" school.

Academy Head, Sam Butler, who began his time at the school in September 2022, said: “It was great to see Ofsted commenting so positively about a number of the key changes that we have recently implemented.

"In a year which saw significant changes to the schools vision and values, curriculum and learning environments, the hard work and dedication of the staff team has enabled the school to drive forward the educational standards and ensure that pupils have the opportunity to flourish during their time with us.”

The pre-school and early years curriculum is described as "purposeful" and allows "children to get off to a flying start".

Further into the school, the development of a reading curriculum that "is having a strong positive impact" on pupils and an attitude among staff and leaders that is "not complacent" is meaning that pupils are achieving strong academic outcomes and being challenged to reach their full potential.

The Ofsted inspectors were also highly impressed with the inclusive environment that has been created and noted that "the school’s distinctive ethos is reflected in the attitudes that pupils develop".

During the inspection the pupils described the school as a "place for everyone" and displayed a deep understanding of different cultures and lifestyles. 

Nicola Dunford, CEO of The Link Academy Trust commented: “It was particularly pleasing to see the comments about the pupils, who feature regularly as real ambassadors of the school.

"The report highlights that ‘pupils good behaviour throughout the school means that they focus on their learning in class’ and that is something that we are extremely proud of.

"I was equally pleased with the recognition of the staff as well as school and trust leaders, who have been recognised for their dedication and effort.”

Within the report, Ofsted also highlighted the way in which the school’s vision and values underpin all that happens within the school and allows the pupils to develop "a strong sense of belonging and community".

It also describes how children say that "the school nurtures them as individuals".

Mr Butler added: "I am delighted that our new vision has shone through in the inspection.

"We really feel that our vision of being ‘Deeply rooted. Individually nurtured. Inspired to flourish.’ creates a culture where children can become the best version of themselves.

"We are incredibly proud of what we are developing and are looking forward to continuing to develop the school to further enhance the experiences for our children.”