FOLLOWING a recent Ofsted inspection, Sandford School was delighted to receive a positive report.

The two-day graded inspection took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 10 and 11 and was led by Gavin Summerfield (His Majesty’s Inspector) and Carl Thornton (Ofsted Inspector).

The school was graded "Good" in all areas: the quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development; leadership and management; and early year's provision.

The inspectors praised the school’s inclusive ethos and its nurturing approach.

Inspectors carried out deep dives into Early Reading, Mathematics and Geography.

In the report they recognised the hard work that had gone into designing a well-sequenced curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They talked positively about the way children build on their knowledge from Early Years to Year 6.

They recognised the importance leaders had placed on developing the early reading curriculum and supporting children in their reading journey throughout the school.

"Once pupils have built confidence in their reading, they read a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books in the well-stocked library," they said.

The inspectors recognised that children at Sandford get off to the very best start and Early Years came out as a real strength of the school.

They continued: "Children in Nursery and Reception settle well from the day they join the school. Children learn to explore, create and be active. They benefit greatly from rich and exciting activities. Through a well-planned curriculum, they develop their speaking and listening, physical movement and early mathematics knowledge."

Opportunities for pupil leadership in the school were praised in the report.

"Pupils are proud of the leadership roles they hold. School librarians help to promote a love of reading. Play leaders teach younger pupils’ games in the playground. More recently, school councillors have been elected and have plans to develop the playground."

Hannah Fee, Head of School, said: "I am so pleased with the report and feel it is a really good reflection of our school.  The children were just fantastic and talked confidently about their learning and wider development throughout the two days.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank our families, the children and the staff for their hard work and dedication.  It really is a team effort!"

The full report can be read at: .