AT its recent meeting, Sandford Parish Council was delighted that it could now share the great news that a Lottery Grant of £9,000 has been awarded, towards the estimated total cost of £38,000, for new play equipment in the Creedy View Play Area and the Play Areas on the Playing Field.

This will include adult exercise equipment, a multiplay unit, turning bars, a new picnic table, a senior and junior basketball hoop, plus updates to the current play equipment. At the meeting thanks were expressed to Dave Hope for submitting the grant application and to the other members of the Play Area Working Group, Brian Fyfe and Mike Snow.

In addition the Clerk was able to report that a grant of £500 towards the project has been awarded by “The Crossing”, the Sandford Parish Magazine.

Since the meeting, a grant of £250 has been made by SACA (Sandford Area Community Action), the committee which allocates donations from the profits of Sandford Stores.

It is hoped that works can commence later in the year once all the finance has been sorted.

Malcolm Vallance

Sandford Parish Clerk