A WEEK of celebration for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings is to be held in North Tawton. 

A “fun day for all” at the town’s rugby club will take place from 12pm to 5pm on Saturday, June 1 and feature fancy dress, games and food and drink. 

The fancy dress will have a 1940s or D-Day theme, and there will be a competition for ages zero to 11 with three prize winners announced at 2pm. 

A cream tea for over-70s will be held at the town hall on Thursday, June 6 from 3pm to 5pm. 

Another day of family fun will take place on Saturday, June 8 from 10.45am at The Fountain Inn.  

It will feature a kids’ party between 10.30am and 11.45am with a buffet and free juke box, 1940s music from the Hummingbirds between 2pm and 4pm, and a grand draw at 6pm. Draw tickets can be bought from The Fountain Inn at £5 a strip.