LOCAL elections are taking place on May 4, 2023 and the Crediton Boniface ward candidates for Mid Devon District Council are: Jim Cairney (Liberal Democrats), John Downes (Liberal Democrats), Gina Ford (Conservative), John Humphreys (Labour), Steve Huxtable (Independent).

Following are their election details.  

The polls will be open between the hours of 7am and 10pm, and local residents will be asked to select two candidates as their representatives at Mid Devon District Council.

Elections will also be held for Crediton Town Council wards.

Voters are reminded to take along their Photo ID or they will be unable to vote!

John Downes - Liberal Democrat

John Downes, who lives in Crediton is a well-known member of the local community. John is hugely active in the Crediton music and arts scene and is a Councillor on Mid Devon District Council and Crediton Town Council.

He successfully led the recent opposition to the absurd price hikes to local parking charges (some in excess of 100 per cent) which would have crippled businesses and shops on Crediton High Street.

He has two children that went to QE, is an environmentalist and a keen supporter and user of the town Leisure Centre.

John sees housing and development as one of the key issues facing Crediton residents. “Whilst creating homes for people is important it can’t be at the expense of existing residents. Crediton is essentially centred on the A377 and this creates enormous issue for transport - we see the high street regularly shut,” commented John.

Jim Cairney - Liberal Democrat

Jim Cairney is a well-known member of the Crediton community. He is Chef and owner at the successful "Cairney’s Bistro" and is a Councillor on Mid Devon District Council and Crediton Town Council.

He is a long time Crediton resident and has taught "Professional Cookery" at Exeter College. As a Scot Jim is proudly plain speaking, “You’re throwing good money after bad” his verdict at a recent Council meeting on loans to a property company.

Jim sees housing and development as one of the key issues facing Crediton residents. “The Council must work with developers, to ensure affordable homes are being built, but also to guarantee that the necessary infrastructure such as schools, roads and medical services are not neglected,” said Jim.

John Humphreys - Labour

John says: “I am a retired HR Director and a former Lead Negotiator for the Royal College of Nursing.

"I retired to Crediton having grown up in Barnstaple.  I believe Labour can be a positive force for change in Mid Devon after 13 years of Conservative and, before that, Tory and Lib Dem austerity.

"A vote for me is a vote for good quality services, financial competence, and a greener future. In the 2017 and 2019 General Elections, Labour was the challenger to the Conservatives, coming second both times, far ahead of the other parties.

"So, I urge Boniface residents to vote Labour on May 4 and send the Government a clear message.”

Steve Huxtable - Independent

Steve is standing as an independent candidate in the upcoming elections as he says he feels strongly about addressing the issues of inequality and injustice in our community.

He explained: "I believe that every member of our community deserves an equal opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances.

"I will challenge plans and policies that do not support these aims but also work collaboratively to deliver plans and policies that promote fairness and equality.

"It is crucial in the current climate that the needs of communities are paramount, and whilst the solutions may be complex and require tackling from a number of perspectives by working together creative, effective solutions can be found to benefit all.

"I am not interested in pursuing a personal agenda or advancing the interests of a select few. Together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and our neighbours."

Gina Ford - Conservative

No details or image supplied.