SEVEN councillors attended the January meeting of Newton St Cyres Parish Council and were joined by three members of the public.

The council does not normally meet in January but this meeting was called primarily to discuss a planning application for the 25 new houses adjacent to the new school site.

The council discussed the plans which had been submitted and expressed concern about the provision of a footpath to the new school through the new houses.

From the plans it was not clear if this had been provided so the council resolved to ask Mid Devon District Council for clarification.

If the footpath has been included then the council would be happy with the plans. If no provision had been made then the council would raise an objection.

An application to remove 14 trees from Court Orchard Copse to facilitate the proposed road widening was approved. The council approved the planning application to erect a single storey rear extension at Quarryfield, Langford Road.

Congratulations. The clerk, Mrs Jane Hole, was congratulated on successfully completing the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA).

Report from MDDC meeting. The chairman and the clerk had attended an update meeting and reported that training was to be available for councillors on the Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests policies.

The Council is also able to suggest names for new streets in the parish and this may be relevant for the new development in Station Road.

Bird Flu. The council were concerned about the ruling about keeping poultry and captive birds in a secure place being extended to the end of February.

It was emphasised that this applied to all poultry, including ducks and geese, and they should be kept in a house or shed and away from any possible contact with wild birds. It is the faeces of the wild birds that carry the disease so netting over the runs would not be enough protection.

Community Volunteers. It is hoped that nominations for 2016 will be with the council by the next meeting so that a decision can be made about a worthy recipient.

Defibrillators. An offer of training on the new defibrillator installed at the Recreation Ground had been received and Cllr Southcott agreed to ask members of the Recreation Ground Club committee if they would like to nominate people to attend this course.

It would be suitable for people in charge of various sports at the Rec, parents whose children are involved in sporting activities or use the play equipment and the ground maintenance crew.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday, February 2 in the Clubroom of the Parish Hall at 7.30pm.

The next Parish Surgery will be held in the Crown and Sceptre on Saturday, February 4 at 10.30am.

There will be FREE coffee/tea, a raffle and a tombola stall at this event.

All future Parish Surgeries will be held in conjunction with the coffee mornings held on the first Saturday of each month in the Parish Hall.

Please come along to these events and enjoy the company at the Coffee Morning event and talk to your councillors at the same time.

Cllr Jill Baker

Press Officer