A DOZEN local groups collaborated to offer Crediton area residents a new and distinctive event for Creativity and Wellbeing Week at Crediton Methodist Church Hall on Saturday, May 20.

The National Campaign acknowledges that Mental Health Awareness Week and Dementia Awareness Week happen at the same time, and that creativity is a known preventative factor, as well as aid to living with these challenges. 

Significant Seams co-hosted the event with support from the Mid Devon Primary Care Network (Redlands Surgery, Bow Medical Practice, Mid Devon Medical Practice and Wallingbrook Health Care).

In addition to volunteers and workers from Significant Seams and the Network’s social Prescribing Team, Age Concern Crediton, Crediton Arts Centre, the Food Bank and CHAT (Housing Support Services), Involve Mid-Devon, Qwell and Kooth Mental Health Support, Sara Fox, a local Money Coach, Sustainable Crediton and The Turning Tides Project provided stalls and activities for attendees.

In addition to connecting area residents with creative activities and services, the event aimed to support area services in connecting up in the post-pandemic period.

A common issue for services is a drop in numbers of volunteers, and resulting stretched teams and capacity, including for planning new collaborations.

Tim Salter of Crediton Arts Centre said: “It was excellent to be able to make contact with Cath Kelly, the Leader of the new Crediton Youth Services, and I think we have a few good ideas germinating as a result.”

During the event, drawing easels, sewing machines, and needle felting areas were set-up. A number of attendees brought knitting and crochet projects too. The Turning Tides Project sold cakes and hot drinks.

Significant Seams is leading two new area projects to improve wellbeing related opportunities in Mid-Devon.

It is also co-hosting an online meeting for providers with Devon Mental Health Alliance on June 9 - and they are delivering free and heavily subsided Holiday Activity programmes for 11-16 year-olds in the summer holidays with Crediton Youth Services. These events are open for bookings on Significant Seams eventbrite page at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/significant-seams-3282658880