BOW resident Liz Ledsham has sent the following letter to South West Water concerning the recent road closure of the A3072 in the village.

Her letter reads: “The road through Bow was closed last week because of a water leak.

“We were informed and repairs were finished promptly and the road reopened. It is due to be closed next week because of council surveying work. 

“Imagine our horror when we tried to leave the village on Sunday (February 19) to find the road closed again with no warning, no information and no idea when, if ever, it will reopen.

“We walked up to ask the workers when they would finish and they said that afternoon. But today (February 21) the road is still closed and there is no-one there.

“The diversions are not marked clearly, motorists are arriving at the trench across the road with no idea how to get round.

“Lorries are using single track roads and churning up the verges, it is no longer safe for us to walk our dogs.

“Buses are not running and nobody knows when this carnage will end. 

“This is after 11 months of having a river running down the hill on the main road because of a water leak from the same house. 

“I realise the situation is compounded because of the ancient pipework ‘maintained’ by Bow Water but there must be a solution to the problem that does not cause inconvenience to the whole of this village and surrounding inhabitants.”

Liz Ledsham
